In addition to the 6 beautiful “whys” pictured above, the reason I practice medicine is because I believe in the power of the body to heal itself.
I am an Integrative, Holistic, Functional Medicine Psychiatrist. My job as a physician is not that of a miracle-worker but a facilitator of health, a guide or teacher of sorts. I am acutely aware that in my field of medicine, there are physicians who place too much value on prescribing medications and too little value on empowering people to heal from the inside out. I practice medicine with the focus of empowerment every.single.day.
My role is to help people move out of their own way to allow their body to heal; that healing comes from the inside out. Is there a role for medication? Yes. Is there an even bigger role for nutrition, sleep, relational and spiritual wellness? You bet!
I love to inspire and assist in creating joy-filled, informed, healthy families, one member at a time. We are not designed to do life alone, we are designed for relationship. It is in the context of relationship that healing occurs, so why not make those relationships the best they can be by BEING the best you can be?
I am here to help you heal…mind, body, and spirit.